
September 24, 2011

a first.

i've decided i need a little more documenting of my creative endeavors. i do take project pictures and keep those 'gathered' on the computer (pats self on back). flickr is a favorite love and pasttime. my other mode of 'organization' consists of random {stream-of-consciousness-makes-sense-to-me} notes i have jotted down in about fifteen of those small notebooks you get at Target, which are scattered throughout the house (organization is not my strong suit). in an attempt to remember in the future what i am thinking now about said endeavors, i'm dedicating & commemorating this spot for those notes. *sound the initiating trumpets*

well, now that's that done, onto the good stuff... 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogger world :) I LOVE your diamond AMH quilt--great colors, beautiful design!


i *heart* comments. thanks!